Monthly Archives: April 2016

The Privilege of Breastfeeding (.)(.)

In case you couldn’t tell, this is a pair of boobs: (.)(.)

At the start, breastfeeding was really hard work. It is common knowledge that if done properly, breastfeeding isn’t meant to hurt. However, I’m sure most moms will tell you that they’ve experienced some pain or the other. In the early days, my nips were so raw that I used to have to shield them from the direct spray of the shower, and had to put on my clothes very gingerly. I researched different breast pads and contemplated getting little plastic cones to put over my nips. (TMI?) Besides the pain, has anyone mentioned how much time goes into feeding a newborn? You spend about 8 hours a day sitting in a chair feeding your child. It may sound and appear cushy as the woman is just sitting in a chair browsing through Facebook or watching a show, but believe me, she’s putting in effort and having to be present and ready to meet the child’s every need. It’s a full time job in and of itself. It can also be a great source of stress in the early days. When is my milk coming in? Am I producing enough? Is my child getting enough hind milk? etc. 

Despite all this, many women persist in breastfeeding because it really is the best thing for the child. Here are some cool articles on the topic: 

What’s in breast milk and what’s in formula?

The more I learn about breast milk the more amazed I am

Nowadays, things are very different. While I used to take an hour or more to do the whole feed cycle (feed, burp, change diaper), these days, I can do it in 20 mins. To me, this sure beats having to express milk, refrigerate it, heat it up, wash the bottle and wash the pump. But more than this, I now see breastfeeding as a privilege. When I’m feeding Zoe, it’s our time of bonding. I’m providing her with the best possible source of nutrition while getting to cuddle her in my arms. I feel incredibly lucky to be the one who gets to do this. Breastfeeding has become such a big part of my day that in 4 months when I start weaning Zoe, I know I’m going to miss it. 

As a final note, I’ve recently discovered these lactation cookies that are really really good. Even if you’re not a breastfeeding mum, you should try them! 🙂 

The Best Lactation Cookies